check safe coefficient 校核安全系数
Crack resistance safe coefficient 抗裂安全系数
eye-safe coefficient 眼睛安全系数
Safe Coefficient of Reliability 可靠性安全系数
the safe coefficient 安全系数
coefficient of safe water pressure 带压系数
safe braking coefficient 制动安全系数
Safe bind and safe find 藏得好就找得到
Clebsch-Gordan coefficient (CG coefficient) 克里布什-戈登系数
coefficient of correlation; correlation coefficient 相关系数
Coefficient of correlation;Correlation coefficient 相关系数
coefficient of self induction; coefficient of self-inductance 自感系数
waterplane area coefficient [= waterplane coefficient] 水线系数; 水线面系数; 水线面积系数
a point of safe return 安全返航点
ABAQUS+FE-SAFE Platform Abaqus+FE/safe平台
Administration of safe-manufactur 安全生产管理中; 区分服务
agro-machinery safe village 农机安全村
always safe geometry 恒安全几何条件; ﹝反应器﹞恒安几何组态
and Fail-safe 故障-安全; 故障安全